Star Wars Fanon
Old Republic era

Tusa Ujalli Hai, also known as Tusa the Hutt, was the Emperor of the Hutt Empire during the Hutt Wars, and had a male personality. He was the son of Zullo the Hutt and had many siblings, all of which he put to death. As typical of his clan, the Huttling had an extremely violent upbringing, forging him into an extremely genocidal yet efficient and driven madman, giving him the perfect tools to work his way to the top of the Hutt Council.

After abolishing the Council and consolidating the power of half the galaxy under his own name, Tusa renewed the Hutt Empire’s forces and launched a series of vicious attacks at the already-weakened Republic, eventually using a hidden passage to the Core to overwhelm his foes and become the first documented Galactic Emperor. For centuries, the Hutt ruled his galaxy with an iron fist, continually building his armies to fight phantom threats and expanding his realm deep into uncharted space.

Near the end of his days, Tusa’s paranoia was augmented with the dementia typical of old age. He was assassinated by one of his trusted Lieutenants at the ripe old age of 1021- his death is frequently cited as the catalyst that divided the Hutt Empire and eventually led to their ruin.


Early life[]

Born to one of the concubines of the Councilmember Zullo Ujalli Hai, Tusa was the third born and exceptionally thin—his father considered Tusa to be little more than a failure and summarily executed Tusa's mother. Attempting to kill his offspring as cruelly as possible, Zullo left the newborn Hutt in a prison cell for days on end—no food, water, or care. Not once did Tusa wail for attention, and not once did he whimper with pain—Zullo's interest grew with his youngest child, and he decided to find just how far his child could go.

For years, Zullo vented his rage and frustration on the Huttling. Beatings were regular, along with ritualistic mutilation, frequent starvation, and daily poisonings. At the age of fifteen, Tusa had still never made a noise, and it was frequently assumed he suffered from severe retardation. Tired of his toy, Zullo ordered his first Lieutenant to kill Tusa. The Huttling reacted with impressive speed and cunning, murdering the armed and armored soldier with his bare hands. Once again, a father's interest was renewed in his son, and Zullo began formally educating his child. Still the beatings continued, but with a lighter hand—the exercises changed from entertainment to strengthening what could very well be the next leader of the Hai clan.

Slowly, Zullo began understanding the folly he had made in keeping his son alive. His brutal behavior towards his son had left Tusa with extremely violent and vicious tendencies, as the young Hutt's instructors, playmates, and bodyguards would commonly be found murdered. When Tusa had reached the almost-adult age of 80, Zullo sent the Huttling to the Core Worlds to spread the Hai influence, but most importantly to put distance between him and the monster he had created. Decades passed and Zullo spent countless thousands of credits on the top assassins, but still Tusa prevailed—the cunning Hutt had formed his own minor spice cartel operating on the Eastern edge of the Core, settling on the then-undiscovered world of Myrkr. There Tusa flourished—perfecting his criminal activities before launching them on the galaxy at large.

From gangster to warlord[]

After spreading his influence to a dozen nearby worlds and creating a narcotics empire spanning four times that, the hundred-and-five year old Tusa was well on his way to infamy. However, local security and rival pirate organizations had began focusing on his operations and Tusa saw the need to expand. Using his staggering bank account, the fledgling Hai purchased three small corvette-sized warships—with these; he defended his territory and began pushing into rival turf. Perfecting the use of starfighter raids and blastboats, Tusa specialized in quick strikes and overwhelming numbers to conquer planet after planet in the name of the Hutt Empire. For the first time in his short life, Tusa had garnered the positive attention of his father, who began augmenting Tusa's forces.

Uncharacteristic of most Hutts, Tusa took a very militant stance to his territories. Organization and discipline was mandatory for all of his forces, and he strove to be a benevolent leader towards his loyal citizens. He gained quick popularity among the Hutts and the Empire’s citizens, bringing great honor to his clan. Modeled as the poster boy for Hutt military ingenuity, Tusa was offered a high position in Zullo's military but refused, straying away from politics to focus on his own business. His operations expanded over two centuries, and he single-handedly began to rival entire clans’ operations.

Preparing for the future[]

Demonstrating an extreme patience and eye for the future, Tusa began recruiting his lieutenants at an extraordinarily young age, even going so far as to order his minions to breed, genetically modifying the unborn children to encourage brilliance. Once again he dipped deep into both his personal and clan funding, renewing his fleet with a line of custom-designed warships, starfighters, blastboats, weapons, and armor. His now-aged lieutenants commanded his impressive army as they trained a secret militia of enforcers, addicts, and indebted beings—a force created for the sole purpose of Zullo's annihilation. In a bold, reckless move, Tusa cut the flow of spice to his militia and drove them into a withdraw-frenzy. Using their murderous rage, he unleashed them on Zullo's headquarters at Nal Hutta. Remains of Tusa's father and siblings were never found, but historians agree they were the first victims to Tusa's favored method of execution—food for his vornskr pets. Consolidating the Hai clan under his rightful rule, Tusa took over his father's political obligations.

It was in his brief time in the Hutt Council that he connected with the fellow Council Members Jorv, Shagamous, and Gorrbag, along with the then-commander Twisferum. Together, the four hatched a plot to overthrow the then-Chairman of the Board, the essential ruler of the Hutt territories. While Tusa feigned a disinterest in the position, he maneuvered himself to be the only true candidate. Shortly after preparations were made, the coup was launched at Tusa's palace on Nal Hutta, and the new regime was changed.

From warlord to emperor[]

In a move of extreme paranoia, Tusa strove to abolish any threats against his new position as Chairman. His first act as Chairman was to integrate every clan's military force and business operations, uniting the entirety of the Outer Rim under one command. He ordered a mass retraining of every member in the Hutt military as well as instituting a galaxy-wide draft, standardizing his forces in preparation for a renewed push.

Shortly after the integration was completed, Tusa made his true intentions clear- complete galactic domination. Disbanding the Hutt Council, Tusa officially decreed himself to be the first Emperor, putting an army of trillions under his direct control. In addition, Tusa founded his personal strike force, Darksaber Squadron. Utilizing teachings from the Dark Jedi of the Bogan, Tusa created an elite corps of soldiers and force users to perform his bidding, eliminating threats before they rose to power. Using this power, he surged into a deep plunge towards the Southern Core, capturing Yag'Dhul and the Bothan System as the first step of his ultimate plan. Shortly after, however, Tusa had to put his schemes on hold to deal with the growing threat of rebellion that Darksaber could not hope to contain.

Solidifying his reign[]

In what was later known as the Hutt Civil War, Tusa spent nearly three years battling the rebel forces of his former ally, Gorbagg the Hutt. While little progress was made in the first portion of the Civil War, it was commonly speculated by those close to the Emperor that he merely prolonged the conflict as an excuse for extreme military spending—a percentage that went upwards of sixty percent of Imperial revenue. While extraordinarily unpopular, the galaxy quickly learned to 'trust in Tusa'— the complete obliteration of any dissenters ensured compliance.

After the death of Gorbagg and the end of the Civil War, spending remained the same and a massive buildup of forces occurred along the 'Neutral Zone'—an imaginary line that divided Imperial and Republic space. It seemed that war was brewing again, and Tusa used the Republic’s move against Hutt trade lanes to Yag’Dhul and Rhommamool as his excuse to break the peace treaty. The war raged on, resulting in a series of devastating Hutt victories.

The desperate lunge[]

After years of mathematical calculations and upwards of a billion credits, Tusa's plans on Yag'Dhul were complete. The Hutt had ordered the Givin navigators to plot an extragalactic route through the gravitational anomalies that plagued the rim of the galaxy towards the Deep Core—once discovered; the Emperor assembled his finest officers and launched an attack on Coruscant. The battle was fierce and costly, but clever deployment and murderous tactics soon overwhelmed the unprepared defenders, resulting in a critical Hutt victory. With the heart of the Republic in Tusa's grip, the remains of the once-ruling government splintered and shattered under the continual pressure of the well-prepared Empire, and in a decade Tusa had complete control of known space.

Chasing shadows[]

After his lifelong goal had been achieved at the still-young age of 435, Tusa found himself unable to settle with a life of mundane peace, frequently uncovering 'conspiracies' within his High Command or potential uprisings on truthfully peaceful planets. In preparation for unseen conflicts, Tusa commonly launched entire fleets to fly at near-lightspeed, slowing time and preserving the inhabitants via time dilation for hundreds of years at a time—he extended the lifespan of his most trusted commanders and most experienced soldiers. Centuries went by without significant conflict, and yet military spending continued at an outrageous pace—even four hundred years after the end of the Hutt Wars a great percentage of the galaxy was deployed in 'security groups'— pointlessly large armies to ensure Tusa's continued reign. Still the Hutt ruled and he ruled well, as society advanced at its plodding yet steady pace. This unease with the current regime continued for three more centuries, bringing Tusa to the ripe old age of 1,000.

At this time, dissension was truly on the rise, and the Emperor saw fit to retract his lightspeed armies in personal defense of his throne on Coruscant. This blatant distrust in his commanders only further deepened the rift between army and commander, and it seemed that the galaxy was once again on the brink of a civil war. Tusa pushed on in the way he typically did—extraordinary paranoia and relentless brutality.

Death and the Imperial collapse[]

The night before Tusa intended to declare open war on the dissenters, one of his oldest friends and trusted advisor Jaka Tyrell betrayed the Hutt, murdering him to avoid the death of billions before summarily committing suicide. Fellow veterans from the Hutt War preserved by time dilation struggled against the new commanders for power in the Empire and the first shots in the Second Hutt Civil War were fired above the skies of Coruscant.

Over the following years, the Galaxy spiraled into one of its darkest days. Widespread use of Imperial Weapons of Mass Destruction such as Sonic Bombs and Nuclear Mass Drivers marked this Civil War as particularly bloody, resulting in a total death toll of trillions before the eventual and inevitable resurgence of the Galactic Republic, led by the formerly hidden Jedi survivors. The warring Hutt factions soon fell victim to the unified Republic, and Tusa's Empire crumbled, receding into the Eastern Outer Rim region that is typically referred to as Hutt Space.


Despite being known for his frequent anger, blatant paranoia, and potentially psychotic nature, Tusa Ujalli Hai was commonly referenced in military handbooks and tactical guides as an innovator and driving force in naval reformation, and his silver tongue gave him status as one of the finest orators of the era. Although his empire was based on fear and brutality, he was a generally benevolent leader who truly aimed to keep his citizens happy—recent historians have made strives to save his name from merely being known as one of the villains of the galaxy. Although no official offspring have been recorded, it was widely believed Tusa fathered over two-dozen children, spreading them across the galaxy to protect his bloodline.

Personality and traits[]

Due to his upbringing, Tusa was a manipulative and insane Hutt with a streak of cruelty. Despite the fact, he was known to be extremely trusting and loyal to his immediate inner circle, and was generous and kind to those who served him well—modern psychologists believe he was looking for the adoration he did not receive from his father. He was not one to waste talents or sacrifice an advantage, and this clever behavior gained him the admiration he desired in his followers.

Talents and abilities[]

Tusa was a fine military commander in both deep space and land combat, focusing on large-scale and theater-wide warfare. In the later years of his life, Tusa took a fervent interest in politics, becoming a master in that field as well.

He was known to be extremely charismatic and garnered a fanatic cult following, ensuring that his name would be spoken with reverence until the end of days.

Behind the scenes[]

Tusa Ujalli Hai was created by role-player Daniel Santoro on January 17, 2010, for the Hutt War timeline on Reception towards the character was positive, with readers and fellow role-players remarking that the character was not someone anyone would “want to bump into…under any circumstances” and that it was a welcome sight to see another Hutt character created for the website. Santoro participated in the coup against then-faction leader Constantine, who role-played Malgarr the Hutt, and remained Hutt Faction Leader from October 2010 until the fifth timeline began in July 2011.


Notes and references[]
